Industry 4.0

Jendamark has mapped a clear path through the technological maze of the fourth Industrial Revolution to take customers into the future of automotive manufacturing. We have adopted a nine-pillar definition of Industry 4.0 to guide the way. Based on this definition we have established a strategy to achieve these 9 points. Jendamark is currently developing the first 8 pillars:
• Integrated Systems • Predictive Maintenance • Additive Manufacturing
Augmented Reality • Internet of Things • Simulation • Autonomous Robots • The Platform

Explore The Jendamark 9 Pillar Definition Of Industry 4.0

Click on the [+] on each item below to learn more

Integrated Systems

Jendamark has developed its own standardised software platform called Odin, on which a number of production-related modules run. 

The WorkStation module is an easy-to-use visual interface that guides operators through the component building process on the shop floor. The application tracks process data, can run diagnostics and includes a traceability interface as part of the quality review process. The maintenance interface allows the operator to call for assistance, thereby reducing downtime.

LineWatch is a visual snapshot of the entire production process, which can be viewed on a big screen or as an app on a computer. It interfaces with SAP, allowing managers to keep an eye on all aspects of production and prevent problems before they happen. Live cycle time data and built-in text message or email notifications alert relevant groups to progress or problems.

The Manager module is a web-based reporting and human-machine interface (HMI) administration system, which can be accessed securely from any web browser. The HMI set-up and LineWatch software share data with a server, allowing Manager to analyse trends and deliver customised reports on quality data and track maintenance job cards. The process engineer can also set up work instructions and change processes on the shop floor without calling in a programmer, thanks to Jendamark’s PLC standard, Cube, which integrates tightly with Odin.

Predictive Maintenance

Adding a predictive maintenance element to an already efficient automotive assembly line can add unnecessary costs. Jendamark has found a better way to predict machine downtime, which will soon be added as the fourth module to its Odin software platform. 

The industry standard of 95% uptime means machines are already very efficient, which does not justify the cost of adding an artificial intelligence element to identify abnormalities and take corrective action. 

Jendamark mines the rich quality data that it has gathered over two decades to determine the reasons for machine downtime. When a machine goes down, it can generally be traced to a handful of possible causes. Because the outcome is already known, the reverse analysis is much simpler, making downtime easier to predict – without huge cost implications.

Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing as it is known, builds up components from scratch, using only the material needed and minimising waste. 

Jendamark’s in-house 3D printer is used to print plastic components, which allow designers to get a feel for the real thing during the development phase and carry out the initial testing of production lines. 

The ultimate goal of 3D printing is topology optimisation – redesigning components to make them lighter weight. This is a major goal for the automotive industry as cars would require smaller engines to power them and the machines that build them would also require less power, thereby increasing their longevity and reducing costs for customers. 

While metal 3D SLS industrial printers are currently prohibitively expensive, Jendamark is exploring using industrial robots with MIG weld guns to build up 3D parts.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) uses technology to add to a user’s experience by superimposing computer-generated images, text and sounds over a real-world environment. 

Jendamark currently uses AR hardware in the form of Vuzix smart glasses as a bolt-on to its Workstation app to improve operator efficiency. Instead of consulting a screen, the operator sees the step-by-step assembly process as a visual overlay on the real-life work station through the lens of the glasses. 

From a quality control perspective, AR can also highlight those parts that need to be visually inspected once assembled. Once everything is in order, the operator can capture the image, which may be logged as an element in the product traceability chain. 

Aside from operator guidance, the glasses also help maintenance workers to access remote support more effectively.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes a network of machines, devices and other items that have built-in connectivity, electronics, software or sensors that allow them to share data and improve efficiency for humans interacting with them. 

For Jendamark, the first application of IoT principles will soon be demonstrated with the addition of a documentation app to its Odin software platform. 

Users will be able to scan the 2D matrix or QR code on the main sub-assembly of any Jendamark machine and be taken to a link with all the manuals and documentation related to that machine. 

Instead of trying to locate the printed manual, maintenance technicians will have instant access to information via their smartphone. The IoT could also be used to collect data such as the part numbers on a customer’s machine as well as the replacement parts available in their store room.


Jendamark’s virtual reality (VR) room allows designers and customers to review the design of a new production line in three-dimensional reality via an interactive, computer-generated experience. 

At the outset, the design team makes the complete production line in VR and a team member dons the glasses for a walk-through of the line. This simple step often highlights potential flaws that would not be apparent during a normal design review. 

This simulation is ideal for ironing out any kinks before the design is handed over to manufacturing and also for clients to get a better understanding of its workings before sign-off. 

Virtual reality or simulation also has potential as a training tool. While the line is in production, teams of operators could be trained on the virtual version, so that they are ready to hit the ground running when commissioning is complete.

Autonomous Robots

At this stage, Jendamark has opted to focus on the first six components of its Industry 4.0 definition. While collaborative robots are designed to be safe to work with humans, the relative slowness with which they move (for safety sake) cancels out any efficiency gains and increases cost. Opportunities do exist but for highly specialised projects, with the potential to explore these in the future.

The Platform

Jendamark’s Odin software platform and its expanding module possibilities will come to serve an important complementary function as part of customers’ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) business management processes. 

Information gathered from the production line via the WorkStation, LineWatch and Manager modules, as well as from Industry 4.0 technologies such as machine learning and augmented reality, could feed back into and integrate with customer business management software. This could assist in streamlining all aspects of the business from purchasing and logistics to production and maintenance, and even human resources by collecting worker data.

Cyber Security

Also on Jendamark’s to-do list is exploring future possibilities for machine-to-machine communication built around decentralised networks or secure, cryptography-based blockchains. 

A blockchain is a database that is shared across one of these networks and all records are completely encrypted so that no-one can read that information except the machines in that network.

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